Helping All Children in the Metro Succeed
Please select your location below to access literacy resources.Metro Omaha
Southwest Iowa

Ensuring all children in the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro succeed in school and life.
Raise Me to Read is part of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, a national, collaborative effort by schools, government agencies, business leaders, nonprofit leaders and foundations to improve students’ reading proficiency by the end of third grade.
The Raise Me to Read Campaign focuses on three key areas that help children reach important reading milestones.
School Readiness

School readiness is fostered by early and consistent adult-child interactions including reading, new experiences and safe and loving adult conversation. These interactions enhance vocabulary development and are directly related to school and life success.
By providing families, caregivers, and educators with early literacy resources, community connections, and innovative supports, we can ensure that children come to school ready to learn.
School Attendance

Kindergarteners who miss two days or more of school per month are less likely to be proficient in reading by third grade. Students not at grade level in reading may be four times more likely to drop out of school. Parents and other caring adults provide the “secret sauce” for success by teaching their children it is important to be present at school and to “show-up” in all areas of life.
By tracking attendance data, working with organizations addressing attendance barriers, and encouraging safe and welcoming spaces, we can reduce chronic absences and improve school and life outcomes for children.
Out of School Learning

Children spend over 86.4% of their time out of school and mainly at home, demonstrating the essential nature of parents, caregivers, and other caring adults. By creating situations in which children can read, play, and explore, caring adults help children maintain their learning. Activities at home and in the community teach children to understand the world around them and their place in it.
By encouraging families and children to engage in a variety of activities, to participate in quality out of school enrichment opportunities, and to see themselves as an integral part ofthe community, we can help students maintain their learning growth and reading proficiency.
Metropolitan Omaha Educational Consortium Data
MOEC compiles data from Consortium school Districts in Council Bluffs and Omaha.Data from the 2021-2022 school year is not fully available. Please check back for updates on 3rd Grade Proficiency and Attendance. Updated Poverty data is being compiled from US Census and the American Community Survey information and will be posted in October 2022.

Read for the Record 2021
Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon
Amy Wu y el Dragón de Retazos
Join Metro-Omaha and Southwest Iowa Raise Me to Read as we read the 2021 Read for the Record book, “Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon” by Kat Zhang.
This video features readers from all across the Omaha metro area including Jean Stothert – Mayor of Omaha, Bradley Ekwerekwu – CEO of the Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Chandra Chacon – President and CEO of Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Kerron Stark – Host of Mister K’s Clubhouse, Matt Walsh – Mayor of Council Bluffs, and Ramon Calzada – Executive Director of the Centro Latino of Iowa.
Each year Read for the Record brings together millions of adults and children as they read the same book on the same day, building an intergenerational community through the power of reading. To date, the campaign has amassed 22 million participants worldwide and has facilitated the distribution of hundreds of thousands of high-quality books to children in underserved communities. To find out more visit
Únase a Metro-Omaha y Southwest Iowa Raise Me to Read leemos el libro Read for the Record del año 2021, “Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon” escrito por Kat Zhang.
Raise Me to Read es una iniciativa comunitaria local que apoya la alfabetización y el aprendizaje temprano para todos los niños del área metropolitana. La iniciativa se enfoca en tres áreas clave que han demostrado tener un impacto positivo en lectura en donde los niños alcanzan su nivel de grado al final del tercer grado: en la preparación para la escuela, asistencia a la escuela y aprendizaje de verano. Para obtener más información, visítenos en
Cada año, Read for the Record reúne a millones de adultos y niños mientras leen el mismo libro, el mismo día, construyendo una comunidad intergeneracional a través del poder de la lectura. Hasta la fecha, la campaña ha acumulado 22 millones de participantes en todo el mundo y ha facilitado la distribución de cientos de miles de libros de alta calidad a niños de comunidades menos favorecidas. Para obtener más información, visite
Raise Me to Read Partners